Mouser Electronics Breaks Silos to Meet Revenue Goals

How Mouser Electronics increased revenue from their existing customer base and discovered new segments with revenue operations consulting.

Client background:

A major retailer of electrical components, Mouser had strong growth targets to hit … but needed to get in front of the right audience who might have stronger buying authority to speed up sales cycles and close more deals.

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Enter: The Pedowitz Group

After pulling sales and marketing together to pool knowledge of its typical buyers, we designed and implemented a multi-channel campaign that positioned Mouser as a go-to supplier vs. its previous reputation as more of a specialty retailer.

We also helped their teams better understand a different part of their target segment, which enabled immediate results.

1. Assess

Our teams dug into the data, analyzing and developing what Mouser’s ideal customer journeys and prospect buying centers were. We also interviewed stakeholders, examined client documentation, and upon completion of this assessment we presented with recommendations.

2. Develop

Campaign strategy and design were next. Sales and marketing interviews, coupled with MAP and CRM data, allowed us to ideate campaign themes, content needs, and revenue-achieving goals for these teams.

After an on-site workshop with both sales and marketing, we built an initial campaign crafted around key messages identified in step 1.

3. Optimize

In parallel, we also assessed their MarTech, primarily focusing on Eloqua usage and what opportunities there were to improve. This included go-to-market messaging, Salesforce sync, and more.

3. Activate

Our teams crafted a content strategy based on everything learned, setting up their sales and marketing teams with a cohesive strategy that unified messaging and created a repeatable, scalable process.

We also provided standby support for technologies, strategy, and more with our Experts on Demand service, allowing their teams to implement and scale with a helping hand when needed.

Business impact:

After 9 months, Mouser’s teams were far more aligned and taking hyper-relevant messaging to its customers and prospects.

They were able to discover new segments that responded well to their value proposition while also increasing revenue from the existing customer base, setting up a stronger revenue foundation to build on moving forward.


Revenue increase from existing customer base


Increase in orders and site traffic with newly-targeted segment

TPG was instrumental in helping us identify a target audience that could move the revenue needle quickly. They opened our eyes and helped us built the tools we needed to realize revenue.

Director of Marketing Automation, Mouser Electronics

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Services used:

Revenue Operations

Unlock profitability and streamline growth strategies with revenue operations consulting featuring our client-focused approach and guaranteed results.

Marketing Operations

Optimize processes, boost productivity, and drive results with expert marketing operations consulting services.

Digital Advertising

Make your marketing and sales efforts more efficient, maintain a healthy relationship with potential clients, and drive business growth with our lead management services.

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